Card Shoes
A Gaming Table is not complete without a Card Shoe, which is used for dealing out cards during the game and provides extra security as cards are being dealt. TCSJOHNHUXLEY has a selection of standard shoes in Acrylic that are ideal for card games. Please see item details below. For any other requirements please get in touch.
- 1 Pack Shoe - Black and Red Acrylic - (3000-00363)
- 6 Pack Shoe - All Black Acrylic with Lid - (3000-00367)
- 6 Pack Shoe - Rosewood Black Acrylic - (3000-00371) Not Shown
- 8 Pack Shoe with Lid Black Acrylic - (3000-00378)
- 8 Pack Shoe (No Lid) - Black Acrylic - (3000-00379)
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